
This project was bootstrapped from the stackoverflow-clone made by @salihozdemir available here.

🚀 Tech Stack

  • ReactJs
  • NextJs
  • Storybook
  • PostCSS
  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose

⚠️ Prerequisite

  • node
  • npm
  • mongodb

💿 How to run local

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Upvision/community-front-end

# Go into the repository
$ cd community-front-end

# On another terminal, go to the client folder
$ cd client

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Use the command below for Android devices
$ npm run dev

# To see the incomplete storybook components
npm run storybook

🔎 Testing

Make sure mongodb is running before testing the server.

$ cd server
$ yarn test

There are missing tests on the server side and there are no tests on the client side yet.

📜 Todo

  • Basic UI chamge
  • Add text editor for post
  • Implement edit question/comment
  • Edit signup/login page for google auth
  • Add meta data in profile page
  • Add filter in user
  • Implementation of notification
  • Add search bar in home page
  • Add missing components to storybook
  • Complete missing server tests

📝 License

This project is made available under the MIT License.