
Compare the files and folders of the original source code of WordPress against a website

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Anomaly Detector 🚨

Compare the files and folders of the original source code of WordPress against a website. This multithreaded script will crawl a given website and search for a directory listing.


It can be used agaisn't infected & poorly configured sites to hunt for malicious PHP files 🧐

For it to work, the directory listing of the web server must be enabled.

Update the list of files

Get the latest release of WordPress and unzip it next to the script. After unzipping the archive, simply change the version in the script. It is currently configured to read the files in the folder WordPress-5.8.1.

Usage example

# python3 wp_anomaly.py http://[website]

[*] 281 subdirectories and 1198 PHP files loaded for comparison
[File] /wp-includes/IXR/kxnlessenm.php
[Directory] /wp-includes/css/
[File] /wp-includes/123.php
[File] /wp-includes/D66nE.php
[File] /wp-includes/GsKqG.php
[File] /wp-includes/bpqinvvh-rintelnn.php
[File] /wp-includes/droplet.php
[File] /wp-includes/editor.php
[File] /wp-includes/infodata.php
[File] /wp-includes/ohchvechtav.php
[File] /wp-includes/standard.php
[File] /wp-includes/wp-ajax-traceback.php
[File] /wp-includes/xmldatawp.php
[File] /wp-includes/Requests/Response/kich-siegenh.php
[Directory] /wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/
[Plugin] /wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/
[Directory] /wp-includes/js/tinymce/skins/
[Theme] /wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/
[Directory] /wp-includes/js/tinymce/utils/
[File] /wp-admin/css/dustparticle.php
[File] /wp-admin/css/colors/blue/ejckpqn.php