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This is the translation for the website.

Translation is done with .po files located in /translate/LANG_LANG/LC_MESSAGES/spamty.po. The .mo files are generated automatically.


Spamty is currently available in:

Language Status details URL Language Code System
German 76% de de_DE de_DE.UTF-8
English primary en en_US en_US.UTF-8
Spanish Incomplete es es_ES es_ES.UTF-8
French Incomplete fr fr_FR fr_FR.UTF-8
Chinese Incomplete zh zh_CN zh_CN.UTF-8

For URLs we prefer to use ISO 639-1 codes

Server configuration

Only internal information

The languages have to be installed on the server. Check which ones are installed with locale -a. In Debian uncomment the required languages in /etc/locale.gen. Then run locale-gen.

Website configuration

Only internal information

PHP config is in ws-head.php file.

The language setting is stored in cookie named lang. Set cookie with chosen language (with Javascript) by clicking on flag icon. If no cookie is set use browser language or it will be set to currently viewed language.