This project is built-in for the investor to set the threshold for stock prices and get notified when the stock price is above the threshold.
- Python
- FastAPI
- Cockroachdb
- RabbitMQ
- Celery and Celery-Beat to schedule tasks
Clone the project
Install docker and docker-compose
Obtain API key from and add it to .env file
Run the following command to start the project:
make up
to install and run the docker images for the project which includes the following:- Cockroachdb
- RabbitMQ
Create your own environment, please refer to .env.example
docker compose up
to spin up:- FastAPI server
- Celery
- Celery beat
To terminate the project, run the following commands:
make down
thendocker compose down --volumes
Once you start the project, there will be already defined alert rules for the investor. You can check the rules by going to the following url:
Export the postman collection from this project to try out the other endpoints.
- Followed the DDD pattern to structure the project, applying value-objects, entities,repositories, and events.
- Layered architecture, by separating routing logic from business logic and data access logic.
- Applying Asynchronous communication pattern between services using RabbitMQ and Celery.
- Messaging concepts, segregating commands and events, and using the event-driven architecture to communicate between services.
- Creating repository to handle the data access logic, which makes it easier to change the data source in the future, instead of creating pure function to handle the work.
- Abstracting classes to make it easier to change the implementation in the future, by following DPI principle, which we let services/functions depends on the higher level not the lower level of implementation details.