
The source code for Spaghentai-Bot on Reddit.

Before using, Neural Style Transfer must be set up. Instructions for doing this on Windows can be found here:

Running will take images from the ./images/rips4 folder and spaghettify them 7 at a time. The images in the folder must be .jpg, and named sequentially, eg: 20.jpg, 21.jpg, 22.jpg, etc. It will also upscale them using Waifu2X caffe. posts the images to Reddit. It first uploads the spaghettified and original images to Imgur, then posts them to the /r/SpaghettiHentai subreddit. simply sends an email if an error occurs. I made it because I run Spaghentai-Bot on a remote PC, so if something goes wrong it's easy to miss

Disclaimer: I'm still learning Python, but this is still 100x better than the previous version, which was a giant mess of Python and Batch scripts (I stored variables in text files!). I know it's lacking in-line comments and documentation, but it really isn't intended to be widely used. But, if you have improvments, I definetly welcome any pull requests!