
Platform for Database Testing

Primary LanguageJava


i18n: 中文版

DBTest is a platform designed for black-box testing of database transaction isolation levels. By integrating various testing methods for isolation levels, it allows convenient and efficient testing of different databases. It also supports performance analysis of the testing methods. In summary, DBTest offers high scalability and excellent usability.

The general architecture of this platform is as follows:




Currently, the following databases are supported. You can use the docker-compose files in the scripts/ directory to quickly deploy the databases for testing (currently supporting single-node database deployment):

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • H2


Currently, the following workloads are supported:

Workload Description
GENERAL Simulates the workload generated by concurrent access to the database from multiple sessions. Parameters such as the number of simulated sessions, number of transactions per session, number of operations per transaction, read operation ratio, number of workload keys, and distribution type of transaction access keys are randomly generated.

Consistency Checking Algorithms

The following consistency checking algorithms and their corresponding isolation levels are currently supported:

Checker Supported Isolation Levels

How to build

To compile DBTest, the following environments are required:

  • JDK 11
  • Maven
  • Git

Execute the following commands to compile the DBTest source code:

git clone https://github.com/hengxin/db-testing-platform
cd db-testing-platform
mvn clean package

Then you can find the compiled shaded jar file in the target directory.


Parameter Settings

As there are many running parameters, all parameters are placed in config.properties. Here is a detailed explanation of each running parameter:

Database Connection

db.url= # JDBC URL
db.username= # username
db.password= # password
db.isolation= # transaction isolation level
db.type= # database type, supports MYSQL, POSTGRESQL and H2

General Workload Configuration

workload.type= # workload type, currently only supports general, plan to add support for TPCC, etc.
workload.history= # historical number of transactions
workload.session= # number of simulated sessions
workload.transaction= # number of transactions per session
workload.operation= # number of operations per transaction
workload.readproportion= # read operation proportion
workload.key= # number of workload keys
workload.distribution= # distribution type of transaction access keys, supports uniform, zipfan and hotspot

Checker Configuration

checker.type= # consistency checking algorithm type, supports C4 and PolySI
checker.isolation= # isolation level for the consistency checking algorithm, supports READ_COMMITTED, READ_ATOMICITY, CAUSAL_CONSISTENCY and SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION

Performance Analysis Tool Configuration

profiler.enable= # whether to enable performance analysis, true/false

You can use workload.variable to specify a workload parameter and use profiler to perform performance analysis on checker, for example:


After running this configuration file, a profiling_{timestamp}.csv file will be obtained in the result/ directory, which contains runtime data for the checking algorithm, such as:

sessions time (ms) memory (MB)
2 7 34.2
5 8 41.2
10 11 52.2
20 30 71.7
30 38 93.2

Running Method

After compilation, you can run DBTest with the following command:

java -jar ./target/DBTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar config.properties

Since PolySI depends on monoSAT, you may see the following linking error when running PolySI:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no monosat in java.library.path: /usr/java/packages/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib

You can add JVM parameter -Djava.library.path=src/main/resource/libmonosat.so or add src/main/resource/libmonosat.so to a directory in java.library.path. If the libmonosat.so provided in this repository cannot run on your environment, please compile it yourself using monoSAT source code.