Entrepreneur | DevOps Engineer | Software Engineer | Instructor | Docker | Kubernetes(CKAD) | Cloud Architecture(AWS, AZURE) | Nginx | CI/CD | Azure DevOps |
Field Nation, Exos-Systems, ACS, Qubitech SolutionsDhaka, Bangladesh
NayeemH's Following
- ShuvenduRoyQueen's University
- mmumshadSingapore
- TanvirMahin24DevOps Engineer @ Hyper Systems Ltd.
- IstiyakRiyadBackend Developer at @QubitechSolutionsBD
- abufarhadMonstarlab Bangladesh
- ProgrammingHero1
- jeffheatonReinsurance Group of America (@rgare)
- jeongyoonleeUber
- sksoumik@Optimizely
- pochmann
- sidsrivUnited Health Group
- ForrestKnightVirginia Beach, VA
- jamilruet13University of Alberta
- llSourcellSan Francisco, CA
- wesm@posit-pbc
- habiburrahman-muDatapath Ltd.
- tamimSydney, Australia
- s4kibs4miAmsterdam
- gdebasis
- aniruddha-adhikary@GovTechSG
- toxtliMicrosoft, Google, Amazon, Snapchat, GitHub, United Nations, Freelancer
- catalina1919
- gkcsDirectI
- rcaferatiBrazil
- eivindml@madebymist
- ameenruhulRajshahi,Bangladesh
- shiffman@CodingTrain @ITPNYU @processing @ml5js @nature-of-code @Programming-from-A-to-Z
- WeldFire
- buckyrobertsthenewboston
- shawon100iLink Digital
- Atik-AhamedUniversity of Kentucky
- KaziAmitHasanQueen's University
- codingforentrepreneursCoding for Entrepreneurs