
The future code curious website, it replaces the wordpress site hosted at http://codecurious.org . It deploys to

Primary LanguageHTML

code curious Website Project

This is a community project to build the code curious website. It is using Jekyll.


Go to your terminal and run:

git clone git@github.com:codecurious-bln/CC-website.git
# or
git clone https://github.com/codecurious-bln/CC-website.git

bundle exec jekyll serve

…and then go to http://localhost:4000/

Adding an event

Create a YYYY-MM-DD-title-to-display.markdown file inside _events folder. Have a look at other files for example: _events/2019-09-21-code-and-cake.markdown

Add a page to header

Inside each of the page front matters make sure they have a title

# about.markdown
title: "About"

Inside _config.yml update

  - about.markdown
  - events.markdown