
:wine_glass: :chart_with_upwards_trend: (EDA) R - Vizualization / Performed exploratory analysis and visualization on Red Wine Quality dataset; Mainly answering which chemical properties influence the quality of red wines.

Primary LanguageR

Exploratory Data Analysis Using R

This project consists of two sections:

  1. Exploring R using diamonds and cars dataset

  2. Performing exploratory data analysis (EDA) on Red Wine Quality dataset

Performing exploratory data analysis (EDA) on Red Wine Quality dataset

My main project is performing exploratory data analysis using R on a dataset that includes chemical properties which influence the quality of red wine.

I perform statistical analysis followed by various visualizations to show the relationship of different chemical properties with quality, as well as, comparing those properties with each other and observing whether they could influence the quality.

Complete project description and code is available from here

Exploring R using diamonds and cars dataset

These are some exercises I did to make myself familiar in using R in exploratory data analysis.

I did the exercises in 3 categories:

  • R with Single Variables (problemsetone)
  • R with Two Variables (problemsettwo)
  • R with Multiple Variables (problemsetthree)

Complete project description and code is available from here