
test-task for Attendify

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Button component, test task for Attendify

How to set up locally

Before get started you need to have locally installed npm, bower and gulp executables.

install nodejs - https://nodejs.org/en/ and then write commands in console

npm install
npm install -g bower
npm install --global gulp-cli

How to build

To build ready to-use static html, minified js and css files you need to execute the following command:

gulp build

To run project on localhost you need to execute the following command:

gulp default


  • src/ - source files

  • build/ - compiled files

  • bower_components - components we use in our project

  • src/scss/base/ - base styles for page

  • src/scss/components/ - our button component

  • src/scss/mixins/ - our mixin for button component

  • src/scss/partials/ - base styles for header, footer

  • src/scss/main.scss - our main file with includes

  • src/templates/index.pug - our main file with markup