State Manager & Common STM solutions
- ☑️ Effector: STM
- ☑️ Effector-http-api: API Requests, API Codegen
- ☑️ Effector-storage: Interaction with local/session/query storage
- ⬜ Effector-view: Improved view connector (need finalization)
- ⬜ Re-forms: Form solution (in progress)
- ☑️ Atomic-Router: Effector based router
Design System
- ☑️ Stitches: Styling solution, design system
- ⬜ Radix: Customizible preset of common components
- ☑️ Storybook: Stand for a design system preview
- ⬜ Animations: Create Default Set Using stitches
- ☑️ Responsive: Stitches BPs
- ☑️ Eslint
- ⬜ Commitlint: Done, also add conventional jira format
- ⬜ Sonarlint: Setup guide
- ☑️ Unit Testing: Vitest
- ⬜ E2E Testing: Research
- ⬜ Profiling: Need Guide
- ⬜ Template generation: hygen for slices, models, components
- ⬜ IDE: Plugins recommendations, presetup .editorconfig, .vscode
- ☑️ Bundler: Vite
- ☑️ Aliases: '@' as base
- ☑️ Configuration: .env
- ☑️ Effectors basics:
- ⬜ FSD: guide about FSD adaption, short clarification
- ⬜ File Structure
- ⬜ Model structure
Base Project
- ⬜ Component Library
- ⬜ Base Project Example: Public Landing Page, Authorization (Login/Recovery/Set Password/Registration), Dashboard, User Profile, Role System.
- ⬜ Preset Lib: List of most common solutions/references.
Server Side Rendering
- ⬜ SEO, metadata pre-rendering: Hemlet, Vite SSR Setup
- ⬜ SG, ISG: Research