Real Time High Level Synthesis in Dynamically Reconfigurable VLSI Processors. For a background information please refer to the earlier paper:
[1] Fujioka, Y., Kameyama, M., & Lukac, M. (2017). A dynamically reconfigurable VLSI processor with hierarchical structure based on a micropacket transfer scheme. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies, IDT 2017 (pp. 132-136). [8024284] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. https://doi.org/10.1109/DT.2017.8024284
In general, main.py
is where application starts. One may run python3 main.py > out.txt
command to write terminal results to the txt file. Feel free, also, to change the inputs.txt
to check for the different sets of equations.
Respective algorithms parts are put in dfg_generator.py, stage1.py, stage2.py, stage3.py. Comments and print statements should help to understand implementation :)