Django application for the DDP platform's management backend. Exposes API endpoints for the management frontend to communicate with, for the purposes of
- Onboarding an NGO client
- Adding users from the client-organization
- Creating a client's workspace in our Airbyte installation
- Configuring that workspace i.e. setting up sources, destinations and connections
- Configuring data ingest jobs in our Prefect setup
- Connecting to the client's dbt GitHub repository
- Configuring dbt run jobs in our Prefect setup
- REST conventions are being followed.
- CRUD end points for a User resource would look like:
- GET /api/users/
- GET /api/users/user_id
- POST /api/users/
- PUT /api/users/:user_id
- DELETE /api/users/:user_id
- Route parameteres should be named in snake_case as shown above.
has been used to standardized variable names, classes, module names etc.Pylint
is the linting tool used to analyze the code as per Pep8 style.Black
is used as the code formatter.
- Recommended IDE is VsCode.
- Install the pylint extension in vscode and enable it.
- Set the default format provider in vscode as
- Update the vscode settings.json as follows
{ "editor.defaultFormatter": null, "python.linting.enabled": true, "python.formatting.provider": "black", "editor.formatOnSave": true }
- In your virtual environment run
pylint ddpui/
pyenv local 3.10
pyenv exec python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
create .env from .env.template
python migrate
python runserver