
My resume build PDF with TeXShop

Primary LanguageTeX

Build PDF when run .tex file on TeXShop

  • Install MacTeX with builtin editor (TexLive) - (3.2GB)

  • Open the Terminal

  • If brew not installed in your machine then

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  • Install mactex
brew install --cask mactex
  • After conmplete installation
open /Applications/TeX
  • Click on TexShop and write your Latex code

  • When TeXShop is active, there is a Typeset menu, in which you should mark the pdftex option (see also the Typesetting panel of TeXShop's Preferences to make this choice permanent).

  • Once this is done, TeXShop will typeset your documents with PDFLaTeX whenever you select LaTeX in the same Typeset menu. (Shortcut: command-shift-L, or simply command-t if the default format chosen in the Typesetting Preferences panel is indeed LaTeX.)

  • Then output .pdf will same name as .tex