============================================== = multi-target tracking method by Wongun Choi ============================================== Compile * Require opencv and boost library to be installed - sudo apt-get install libboost-dev or see http://www.boost.org/ - refer to http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/InstallGuide 1. move into the standalone_tracker directory : cd standalone_tracker 2. cmake . 3. make Run 1. How to run 1) Download/prepare a video to be processed : e.g. wget http://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch/~aess/cvpr2008/seq02-img-left.tar.gz 2) unzip the images. 3) generate imagelist file using following command : ls seq02-img-left/*.jpg > seq02_imlist.txt 4) run detector to get detection bboxes and confidence map 5) generate conflist file : ls seq02-img-left/*.conf > seq02_conflist.txt 6) try tracking with track.sh