
Primary LanguageTypeScript

ETL + Express + Typescript + Jest

A simple rest server that produces an especific ETL job

To run the project

The project is based on docker, to be able to run the project run the following

$ docker build -t autocloud-etl .

$ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 autocloud-etl

To fetch data

Make the following request to this endpoint

GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/breweries
  type: Basic
  username: autocloud,
  password: autocloudisawesome

    "state": "Colorado",
    "breweries": [
        "id": 9180,
        "name": "Boulder Beer Co",
        "obdbId": "boulder-beer-co-boulder",
        "breweryType": "regional",
        "street": "2880 Wilderness Pl",
        "city": "Boulder",
        "state": "Colorado",
        "postalCode": "80301-5401",
        "country": "United States",
        "longitude": "-105.2480158",
        "latitude": "40.026439",
        "updatedAt": "2018-08-24T00:00:00.000Z",
        "createdAt": "2018-07-24T00:00:00.000Z",
        "region": "west"
    "state": "Pennsylvania",
    "breweries": [
        "id": 11039,
        "name": "Goose Island Philadelphia",
        "obdbId": "goose-island-philadelphia-philadelphia",
        "breweryType": "brewpub",
        "street": "1002 Canal St",
        "city": "Philadelphia",
        "state": "Pennsylvania",
        "postalCode": "19123",
        "country": "United States",
        "longitude": "-75.13506341",
        "latitude": "39.9648491",
        "updatedAt": "2018-08-24T00:00:00.000Z",
        "createdAt": "2018-07-24T00:00:00.000Z",
        "region": "northeast"
    "state": "Michigan",
    "breweries": [
        "id": 11767,
        "name": "Ironbark Brewery",
        "obdbId": "ironbark-brewery-jackson",
        "breweryType": "micro",
        "street": "2610 Kibby Rd",
        "city": "Jackson",
        "state": "Michigan",
        "postalCode": "49203-4908",
        "country": "United States",
        "longitude": "-84.43762976",
        "latitude": "42.2188971",
        "phone": "5177487988",
        "updatedAt": "2018-08-24T00:00:00.000Z",
        "createdAt": "2018-07-24T00:00:00.000Z",
        "region": "midwest"

To add more steps into the ETL process

There is a base class BaseETL this class is the template for any ETL process. The steps are performed using the chain of responsability pattern, every single step should inherit from BaseETLStep. The chain is performed inside the transform method.

This configuration makes it easy to add any step into the chain.

Also I want to point out that BaseController is ready to be used as an express controller that could process an ETL process.


Inside the ETL process

import chain from './chain'
class BrewerieETL extends BaseETL<BrewerieETLDTO>  {
  //rest of the class skiped for demostration
  protected transform(): void {
    const chainOfResponsability = chain
    // execute all steps, create step
    const map = new Map<string, Brewerie[]>()
    this.rawData.forEach(raw => {
      // execute chain of responsability of all steps
      const context: BrewerieETLContext = {
        current: raw,
        states: map

    this.resultMap = map

Chain of responsibility example

import { RemoveNull } from './steps/RemoveNull';
import { BrewerieBuild } from './steps/BrewerieBuild';
import { OrderAndState } from './steps/OrderAndState';
import { AddRegionMap } from './steps/AddRegionMap';
import { AddRegion } from './steps/AddRegion';

const removenNull = new RemoveNull()
const buildObject = new BrewerieBuild()
const orderByState = new OrderAndState()
const addRegionEfficient = new AddRegion()
const addRegion = new AddRegionMap()

export default removenNull


It uses the BasicStrategy from passport

To add more users, you could append those here https://github.com/Nciso/etl-challenge/blob/master/src/users/users.ts


To run the test suit, just do the following after you have this project setted up

$ yarn test