
NeechanRemake adalah Remake dari NeeHost yang udh lama gk dimaintain karena beberapa hal jadi neecharemake menggunakan fork bebasid jadi mungkin kalian akan menemukan kemiripan lah :)

NeChan Remake

neechan adalah host yang berbasis bebasid tetapi dikhususkan untuk android Only
Neechan memiliki 3 host normal,adblock,light
neechan adalah penerus neeHost yang udh stop project karena tidak diurus

Changelog & many things




Via browser fix (minor bug)

buat fix reddit udh selesai cuma kekurangan nya gk bisa login di reddit
jadi minimal kalian login harus vpn (buat sekarang)


jadi buat next update 1.3 ada magis module


Neechan Final Releases 1.3
yeah to late for that so yeah sorry but i have a plan to continue this project so hopefully no problem
magisk module maybe i introduce in 1.2 beta 1 but for tester only

No forget to support bebasid because without his hardwork we can't access many website because "internet positif" and many things 
CheckOut on BaseHost (on this readme linked) if you want support Bebasid and Keep bebasid alive

Note For New User

  • Normal Version = is a New Version from "bebasid" but to some Modification & Removed Some Ip
And In Normal version,adblock version or Lightweight Have Bypass Sim Card
so All Version Have no Difference to function
  • Adblock Version = is a Same Version From normal Version But This have adblock & Redirect Version

  • Light Version = is a Lite Version from Normal Version because This Version Only Little host added

And This Version Only Have Populer Host & often used daily
and Maybe Have tiny Little size So i recommend For You To Use This Because
they Have Little size and very nice for Very Potato Phone
  • Beta Version = it's a version have tiny modification and still based from "bebasid & New IP from me"
so if you have some problem From this version i recommend You to don't used if this version unstable for you
i recommend you To Use Normal,Light Version Because They Is Stable Host And Tested or you can use adblocker version
and if you want beta version please to join telegram group to get beta version
  • base host version = it's a version original from bebasid but with some modification

i hope you can understand and Sorry For Some false on my Language or My English Grammer sorry for that so support this development to Give You New Update

  • Nz