
Marks Complaint Resolution System From your knowledge of process synchronization in os, Create a GUI in Python (mobile or desktop app) that will help us solve the marks complaint problem in ICTU

Primary LanguagePython


Mini Project : Marks Complaint Resolution System

From your knowledge of process synchronization in operating system, Create a GUI in Java or Python (mobile or desktop app) that will help us solve the marks complaint problem in ICTU

This system should include the following

Mutual exclusion: Not more than one student should be able to send a complaint at a time

Bounded waiting: The complaint should have a maximum waiting of 3 days

Progress: After a certain period of waiting time, a student should be able to send his/her complaint

Your documentation should include the following

  1. Description of the problem
  2. The various algorithms used to solve this critical section problem.
  3. Source code in python or Java
  4. Some test results of at least 20 students
  5. User manual explaining how a student can effectively use your app

Two per group

Deadline: 4th of May 2024 at 8am