Awabah Assessment API

Inventory Management API

API Documentation:

Setup Development Environment

  • Setup Redis

    You can either set up using docker or on your local computer

    • Using Docker
    docker run --name message-api-redis  -p 6379:6379 -d redis
  • Setup Mongodb

    You can set up using docker or install on your local computer

    • Using docker
    docker pull mongo
    docker run --name messag-api-db -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
  • Install Node Packages

    npm install 
  • Start App

    You can start the app immediately using

    npm run dev


    You can populate the database with some users before starting the application

    npm run seed:up
    npm run dev

    You will have the following users in your database

      name: "Ndoh Joel",
      email: ""
      type: "main-admin",
      permissions: ["all"]
      password: "P4ssword@"
      username: "John Doe",
      email: ""
      type: "sub-admin",
      permissions: ["create product"]
      password: "P4ssword@"

    You can also clear the database any time

    npm run seed:down

Setup Test