
Repo for the api security hackathon

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Treblle Hackathon Messaging API

This is a simple messaging api for a chat application.

API Documentation:


Project scope

  • Users are able to create an account using the signup endpoint
  • Users can login using the login endpoint
  • Users can update their firstname and lastname using the users endpoint
  • Users can establish connection with another user with connection endpoint
  • Users can also view all their connections using the connection endpoint
  • Users can send text messages to their connections using the message endpoint
  • Users can send visual messages to their connections using the message endpoint
  • Users can delete messages using the message endpoint

Project requirements

  • Automated tests
    • Unit test thoroughly test functionality of each api
  • Security Measures
    • Authenticate users using cookies and json web tokens
    • Give proper authroizations to users and admin
    • Enable user friendly rate limiting for each api

Setup Development Environment

  • Create .env file

    • Insert Trebble API Key
    • Insert Cloudinary Keys : For Uploading Images and Videos
    TREBLLE_API_KEY=<your treblle api key>
    TREBLLE_PROJECT_ID=<your treblle project id>
    CLOUD_NAME="<your cloudinary cloud name>"
    CLOUDINARY_KEY="<your cloudinary key>"
    CLOUDINARY_SECRET="<your cloudinary secret>"
  • Setup Redis

    You can either set up using docker or on your local computer

    • Using Docker
    docker run --name message-api-redis  -p 6379:6379 -d redis
  • Setup Mongodb

    You can set up using docker or install on your local computer

    • Using docker
    docker pull mongo
    docker run --name messag-api-db -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
  • Install Node Packages

    npm install 
  • Start App

    You can start the app immediately using

    npm run dev


    You can populate the database with some users before starting the application

    npm run seed:up
    npm run dev

    You will have the following users in your database

      username: "Ndohjapan",
      firstname: "Joel",
      lastname: "Ndoh",
      password: "P4ssword@"
      username: "Johnny",
      firstname: "David",
      lastname: "George",
      password: P4ssword@"

    You can also clear the database any time

    npm run seed:down

Setup Test

  • Create .env file

    • Insert Trebble API Key
    • Insert Cloudinary Keys : For Uploading Images and Videos
    TREBLLE_API_KEY=<your treblle api key>
    TREBLLE_PROJECT_ID=<your treblle project id>
    CLOUD_NAME="<your cloudinary cloud name>"
    CLOUDINARY_KEY="<your cloudinary key>"
    CLOUDINARY_SECRET="<your cloudinary secret>"
  • Setup Redis

    You can either set up using docker or on your local computer

    • Using Docker
    docker run --name message-api-redis  -p 6379:6379 -d redis
  • Setup Mongodb

    You can set up using docker or install on your local computer

    • Using docker
    docker pull mongo
    docker run --name messag-api-db -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
  • Start Test

    npm run test