Resource Allocator for Experiments


This project implements a dynamic resource allocator for experiments. It allows you to define experiments with computational speed and memory preferences and then allocates resources based on those preferences and available resources.

Project Structure

The project is organized into the following packages:

  • bhos.ndrrr: Contains the main classes and entry point of the application.
  • bhos.ndrrr.model: Contains the Experiment and Resource classes representing experiments and resources, respectively.
  • bhos.ndrrr.util: Contains utility classes used in the project.


  • Experiment: Represents an experiment with a name, computation speed preference, memory preference, and allocated resources.
  • Resource: Represents the available resources with memory and computation speed.
  • ResourceAllocator: Allocates resources to experiments based on their preferences.


  1. Create instances of experiments with their computation speed and memory preferences.
  2. Define the available resources using the Resource class.
  3. Create a ResourceAllocator instance with a list of experiments and the available resources.
  4. Call the allocateResources method to allocate resources to experiments.
  5. Access the allocated resources for each experiment through the returned map.