Generating a Graph-Based Scene Description with a Mobile RGBD-Camera

This repository contains the comple code of an end-to-end pipeline used to generate the graph-based scene description. A single, moblie RGBD-camera is used to capture the scene. The software runs on a SCITOS G5 from MetraLabs at either 10Hz or 30Hz. The robot is equipped with an eight core Intel Core i7-6700T CPU running at 2.8GHz and 8GHz RAM.

Hardware Requirements

  • RGBD-camera (Code is based on libfreenect2 and uses a Microsoft Kinect v2)


Software needed to build:

  • non-comercial MIRA-framework
  • python (required to run evaluation scripts)

Software downloaded by the cmake script:

  • OpenCV 4.3.0 + contrib
  • bazel 2.0.0
  • tensorflow r2.2
  • protobuf 3.8.0
  • neo4j (server executable, java required)
  • libneo4j-client
  • PCL
  • libfreenect2
  • rapidjson (for evaluation only)

Neural network models:

  • R-CNN model is provided
  • YOLO (optional) download v3 .cfg-file here and .weights here, put files into external/models/YOLO

How to build


git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

Instead of running cmake you can also import the CMakeLists.txt in your favourite Editor, like qtcreator.

How to Evaluate the Camera Pose Estimation

see here

How to Evaluate Object Detection and Object Position Estimation

see here