Round Robin proxy/balancer for the stud TLS terminator
Get stud. Run with --write-ip
var s = studproxy()
s.listen(8000, function () {
request('https://localhost:8443/', function (e, resp, body) {
// Will return a response from a round robin host.
s.robin([['', 80]])
If you need to get your list of round robin hosts from a remote server stud-proxy
will queue all the incoming requests and buffering the data in to memory until you set the round robin hosts.
var s = studproxy()
s.listen(8000, function () {
request('https://localhost:8443/', function (e, resp, body) {
// Will return a response from a round robin host.
setTimeout(function () {
s.robin([['', 80]])
}, 1000)
You can reset the round robin hosts at any time by calling .robin()
If you don't want to do a simple round robin you can pass a custom handler.
var s = studproxy(function (socket, ip, chunk) {
console.error('New connection from '+ip)
if (chunk) socket.write(chunk)
Keep in mind that this customization doesn't not include the connection queues and buffering available when using round robin.
- Support IPv6
- Benchmarks (this is a pure TCP proxy so they'll be fairly impressive)