
Localizer for xCode projects. Localize .xliff by mapping xliff and cvs dictionary.

Primary LanguageRuby

IOS localizer

First of all, it's my first work. And if you find bugs write me, please! :)

Localizer for ios application. Create xliff-file to import in your project with translate values from dictionary (csv).

Warning! If xliff file don't have target language, it will convert into english target language.


gem install ios_xliff_localizer

How it use

  • For help, just execute ios_xliff_localizer in terminal.
  • For inspect your .csv file execute: ios_xliff_localizer your_csv_file
  • For convert your file execute: ios_xliff_localizer xliff_file csv_file SOURCE_FIELD TARGET_FIELD


You have file dictionary.csv with 5 fields: android_keys, ios_keys, en, ru, fr. In this directory you write keys which you use in your project and translated keys in other language. For example, look at the table 1.

Table 1.

android_keys ios_keys en ru
cancel_key cancel Cancel Отмена
download_key download Download Скачать
etc... etc... etc... etc...

And you need convert ios_keys into russian language (key ru) in your en.xliff file.
Your command will be:

ios_xliff_localizer en.xliff dictionary.csv ios_keys ru


  • ios_xliff_localizer - gem name
  • en.xliff - path to your .xliff file
  • dictionary.csv - path to your .csv file
  • ios_keys - source field. Field in dictionary which tool will use to find in xliff file
  • ru - target field. Field in dictionary which tool will use to set in xliff file

After processing tool create en.xliff with postfix out (en_out.xliff) which you can import in your ios project in xCode.
Failed keys will write into special file. failed_keys_[TARGET_FIELD].csv. In our example it will be failed_keys_en.csv


email: torlopov.andrey@gmail.com
skype: torlopov.andrey