BeeCP:A lightweight,high-performance JDBC pool
Maven artifact(Java7 and higher)
Maven artifact(Java6)
1: One million Mutil-thread query (10000 threads x 10 times)
Pool type | HikariCP-3.4.5 | beecp-3.0.5_compete |
Average time(ms) | 25.132750 | 0.284550 |
Test log file:JDBCPool2020-11-06.log
Test soruce:
2: Test with HikariCP performance benchmark(I3-7100,8G)
BeeDataSourceConfig config = new BeeDataSourceConfig();
//DataSource ds=new BeeDataSource(config);
BeeDataSource ds=new BeeDataSource(config);
Connection con=ds.getConnection();
public class DataSourceConfig {
private String driver;
private String url;
private String user;
private String password;
private String datasourceJndiName;
private BeeDataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory = new BeeDataSourceFactory();
public DataSource primaryDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().type(cn.beecp.BeeDataSource.class).build();
public DataSource secondDataSource(){
return new BeeDataSource(new BeeDataSourceConfig(driver,url,user,password));
public DataSource thirdDataSource()throws SQLException {
return dataSourceFactory.lookup(datasourceJndiName);
}catch(NamingException e){
throw new SQLException("Jndi DataSource not found:"+datasourceJndiName);
1:Borrow timeout
2:Fair mode and compete mode for borrowing
3:Proxy object safe close when return
4:Pooled connection cleared when network bad,pooled connection recreate when network restore OK
5:Idle timeout and hold timeout(long time inactively hold by borrower)
6:Connection transaction rollback if exist commit transaction when return
7:Pooled connection closed when exception,then create new one and transfer it to waiter
8:Pooled connection attributes reset when return(autoCommit,transactionIsolation,readonly,catlog,schema,networkTimeout)
9:XADataSource support
10:support self defined connection factory
11:Pool Reset
12:JMX support
Field name | Description | Remark |
username | JDBC User | |
password | JDBC Password | |
jdbcUrl | DBC URL | |
driverClassName | JDBC driver class name | |
poolName | pool name | name auto generated when not set |
fairMode | boolean indicator for borrow fair mode | true:fair mode,false:comepete mode;default is false |
initialSize | pooled object creation size when pool initialized | default is 0 |
maxActive | max size for pooled object instances in pool | default is 10 |
borrowSemaphoreSize | borrow concurrent thread size | default val=min(maxActive/2,cpu size) |
defaultAutoCommit | connection transaction open indicator | default is true |
defaultTransactionIsolationCode | connection default transaction level | default is not set value |
defaultCatalog | ||
defaultSchema | ||
defaultReadOnly | default is false | |
maxWait | max wait time to borrow one connection | time unit is ms,default is 8000 ms |
idleTimeout | max idle time of connection instance in pool | time unit is ms,default is 18000 ms |
holdTimeout | max inactive time hold by borrower | time unit is ms,default is 300000 ms |
connectionTestSql | connection valid test sql | select statement(don't recommand store procedure in select |
connectionTestTimeout | connection test timeout | time unit is second, default is 5 seconds |
forceCloseUsingOnClear | using connection close indicator | true,close directly;false,wait util connection becoming idle,then close it |
connectionFactoryClassName | object factory class name | default is null |
enableJmx | JMX boolean indicator for pool | default is false |
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