This repository is the PyTorch implementation of our ACL-2022 [paper] (
Source code for Investigating Non-local Features for Neural Constituency Parsing.
We inject non-local sub-tree structure features to chart-based constituency parser by introducing two auxiliary training objectives.
We define pattern as the n-gram constituents sharing the same parent, and ask model to predict the pattern based on span representation.The consistency loss regularizes the co-occurrence between constituents and pattern by collecting corpus-level statistics.
NFC is developed on the basis of Self-Attentive Parser, whose code base is at this url.
$ pip install -r requirement.txt
python src/export test \
--pretrained-model-path "bert-large-uncased" \
--model-path path-to-the-checkpoint\
--test-path path-to-the-test-file
If for Chinese, add '''--text-processing chinese''' and change the --pretrained-model-path.
We release our model checkpoints at Google Drive. (Models for PTB and for CTB5.1.)
For English:
$ python src/ train \
--train-path data/02-21.10way.clean \
--dev-path data/ \
--subbatch-max-tokens 500 \
--use-pretrained --pretrained-model bert-large-uncased \
--use-encoder --num-layers 2 \
--max-consecutive-decays 10 --batch-size 64 \
--use-pattern --pattern-num-threshold 5 --num-ngram "3" --pattern-loss-scale 1.0 \
--use-compatible --compatible-loss-scale 5.0 \
--numpy-seed ${RANDOM_SEED} \
--model-path-base models/ptb_bert_tri-task_negative-5_scale-5_${RANDOM_SEED}
For Chinese:
$ python src/ train \
--train-path data/ctb_5.1/ctb.train \
--dev-path data/ctb_5.1/ \
--subbatch-max-tokens 500 \
--use-pretrained --pretrained-model pretrained_models/bert-base-chinese \
--max-consecutive-decays 10 --batch-size 32 \
--use-pattern \
--frequent-threshold 0.005 --num-ngram "2" --pattern-loss-scale 1.0 \
--use-compatible --compatible-loss-scale 5.0 \
--numpy-seed ${RANDOM_SEED} \
--text-processing chinese --predict-tags \
--model-path-base models/ctb_bert_tri-task_negative-5_scale-5_${RANDOM_SEED}
If you use this software for research, please cite our papers as follows:
title = "Investigating Non-local Features for Neural Constituency Parsing",
author = "Cui, Leyang and Yang, Sen and Zhang, Yue" ,
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 60th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
year = "2022",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
The code in this repository is developed on the basis of the released code from and