
Primary LanguagePython


Scripts to run QC on CCDG (Centers for Common Disease Genomics) WGS (Whole Genome Sequence) data.

Data: ~60K whole genomes sequenced from 5 centers

  • Broad Institute
  • Baylor
  • New York Genome Center (NYGC)
  • Univ. of Michigan
  • Washington Univ. of St. Louis

2017 Analyst: Robert Maier

Links to sequence data QC resources:

gnomAD QC

WES QC workflow

Sequence QC blog for Covid HGI

Sequence QC github for Covid HGI

CCDG WGS & WES QC Pipeline

WGS Data

Hail: INFO: wrote matrix table with 2907865897 rows and 136959 columns in 121159 partitions to gs://ccdg/vds/wgs_136k_recombine.vds/reference_data
    Total size: 86.05 TiB
    * Rows/entries: 86.05 TiB
    * Columns: 633.99 KiB
    * Globals: 11.00 B
    * Smallest partition: 4 rows (116.47 KiB)
    * Largest partition:  9161 rows (841.07 MiB)
Hail: INFO: wrote matrix table with 1105368358 rows and 136959 columns in 121159 partitions to gs://ccdg/vds/wgs_136k_recombine.vds/variant_data
    Total size: 22.68 TiB
    * Rows/entries: 22.68 TiB
    * Columns: 633.99 KiB
    * Globals: 11.00 B
    * Smallest partition: 0 rows (20.00 B)
    * Largest partition:  18048 rows (6.11 GiB)

WES Data

Hail: INFO: wrote matrix table with 268099170 rows and 203664 columns in 5439 partitions to gs://ccdg/vds/split_200k_ccdg_exome.vds/reference_data
    Total size: 1.96 TiB
    * Rows/entries: 1.96 TiB
    * Columns: 920.55 KiB
    * Globals: 11.00 B
    * Smallest partition: 1 rows (153.00 B)
    * Largest partition:  53478 rows (1.01 GiB)
Hail: INFO: wrote matrix table with 111590474 rows and 203664 columns in 5439 partitions to gs://ccdg/vds/split_200k_ccdg_exome.vds/variant_data
    Total size: 1.40 TiB
    * Rows/entries: 1.40 TiB
    * Columns: 920.55 KiB
    * Globals: 11.00 B
    * Smallest partition: 0 rows (20.00 B)
    * Largest partition:  36797 rows (11.03 GiB)

Reference data have the following schema:


Global fields:
Column fields:
    's': str
Row fields:
    'locus': locus<GRCh38>
    'ref_allele': str
Entry fields:
    'END': int32
    'DP': int32
    'GQ': int32
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['locus']

Variant data have the following schema:


Global fields:
Column fields:
    's': str
Row fields:
    'locus': locus<GRCh38>
    'alleles': array<str>
    'rsid': str
Entry fields:
    'LA': array<int32>
    'LGT': call
    'LAD': array<int32>
    'LPGT': call
    'LPL': array<int32>
    'RGQ': int32
    'gvcf_info': struct {
    'DP': int32
    'GQ': int32
    'MIN_DP': int32
    'PID': str
    'SB': array<int32>
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['locus', 'alleles']

  1. Variants Hard Filtering
  • GOAL:Select reliable variants for PCA
  • Overall: Filter variants in CCDG + gnomAD genomes to variants with high callrate and in high quality intervals from both CCDG & UKBB exomes
    • Filter CCDG genomes and exomes variants to:
      • Present in both exomes and genomes
      • Variants in autosomes
      • (bi-allelic/all ?) single nucleotide variants (SNVs) only
      • Variants in good capture platforms (high quality intervals in UKBB 455K exomes & CCDG exomes)
      • [Optional] Variants with a precomputed AC > 10 in gnomAD v3 genomes
    • Densify variants in CCDG genomes and exomes
    • Compute combined MAF and Callrate for CCDG and gnomAD v3 genomes, and Callrate for CCDG and UKBB exomes
      • Combined MAF > 0.1% (or lower?)
      • Combined Callrate > 99%
      • High Callrate in CCDG and UKBB exomes (cutoff TBD)
    • LD Pruning
      • Select CCDG or gnomAD genomes to be the LD pruning dataset
      • LD pruning with a cutoff of r2 = 0.1
  1. Sample QC Metric Computation
  • GOAL: generate metrics for downstream sample QC
    • hl.vds.sample_qc()
  1. Sex Imputation(Before/After Interval QC for WES Data)

  2. Interval QC (WES Data Only)

  3. Samples Hard Filtering

    • Low coverage
    • High/low n_snp
    • High n_singleton
    • High r_het_hom_var
    • Ambiguous sex
    • Sex aneuploidy
  4. Platform PCA

  • GOAL: Determine which platform samples are from
  1. Relatedness Inference
  • GOAL: Remove related samples
    • Approach 1:
      • hl.pc_relate()
      • hl.maximal_independent_set()
      • maximal independent set of samples
      • hl.hwe_normalized_pca()
      • Project the related samples to the unrelated samples
    • Approach 2:
      • Project all samples to gnomAD
      • Compute relatedness
  1. Ancestry Inference
  • GOAL: Determine general ancestry of cohort
    • Approach 1: using labels within data
    • Approach 2: Joint call with 1KG and HGDP
    • Approach 3: Project onto gnomAD PCA loadings.
  1. Outlier Sample Detection
  • GOAL: Remove outlier samples based on sample qc metrics stratified by population group
    • n_snp, ti/tv, in/del, het/hom (DEFAULT > 4 MAD)
      • Ancestry: EUR/EAS/AFR/SAS, filter out within cohort outliers.
      • PCs: PC1 - PC10, filter out outliers on each PC.
      • Platform: check % filtered for each platform.
  1. Variant QC
  • GOAL: Remove low quality/somatic variants
  1. Genotype QC
    • GQ >= 20
    • DP >= 10
    • 0.2 < AB <0.8