
Primary LanguagePython

The work has been moved to: https://github.com/atgu/GWASpy


A Python package for performing GWAS QC.


For now you can install preimp_qc using the command below. In the near future, it will be uploaded to pypi

pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py sdist
pip install dist/preimp_qc-0.1.0.tar.gz


$ preimp_qc --dirname TestData/ --basename Basename --inputType plink --reference GRCh37
in the example above, inside the directory TestData, there must be three PLINK file Basename.*{bed,bim,fam}

Arguments and Options

Argument/ Option Description
--dirname Path to where the data is
--basename Data basename
--inputType Input type, plink or vcf
--annotations Annotations file to be used for annotating the VCF file (ONLY for VCF input)
--reference Reference genome build e.g. GRCh37, GRCh38
--qc_round The number of times QC has been performed on the data. Use 1 if it's the first round
--pre_geno include only SNPs with missing-rate < NUM (before ID filter), important for post merge of multiple platforms
--mind include only IDs with missing-rate < NUM
--fhet_y include only female IDs with fhet < NUM
--fhet_x include only male IDs with fhet > NUM
--geno include only SNPs with missing-rate < NUM
--midi include only SNPs with missing-rate -difference ("case/control) < NUM
--withpna include monomorphic (invariant) SNPs
--maf include only SNPs with MAF >= NUM
--hwe_th_con HWE_controls < NUM
--hwe_th_cas HWE_cases < NUM