
React version of the FOLA web application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fork of front end files from Food Oasis LA, for NearGreenPhilly to work with. (August 2017) Goal 1: Is their react/redux based front end something we can adapt, or should we stick to the simpler HTML/CSS/JavaScript of our first version.

Food Oasis


This is the Food Oasis frontend application repository.


Setup & Requirements



Script Description
npm start Spins up an Express server
npm run build Builds the application to ./dist.
npm run dev Used for local development. Builds and runs the application on webpack-dev-server.
npm run test Runs tests.
npm run test:watch Same as npm run test but watches for changes and re-runs tests.
npm run lint Runs ESLint on the all .js files in the ./src and ./tests folders.

Environment Variables

Project Structure

├── src                      # Main application folder
│   └── actions              # Action creators
│   └── components           # All react components
│   │   └── common           # Common components
│   │   └── layouts          # Layouts
│   │   └── views            # Components for each route / page
│   └── containers           # Redux connect wrapped components
│   └── decorators           # Higher-order component decorators
│   └── reducers             # Reducers
│   └── styles               # Base and component styles
│   └── utils                # Helpers and constants
│   └── index.html           # Index file where compiled JS and CSS is injected and served
│   └── index.js             # Entry point of application
├── static                   # Static files
├── tests                    # Integration and unit tests
├── webpack                  # Webpack configuration files
├── server.js                # Express server

Components vs. Views vs. Layouts

TL;DR: They're all components.

This distinction may not be important for you, but as an explanation: A Layout is something that describes an entire page structure, such as a fixed navigation, viewport, sidebar, and footer. Most applications will probably only have one layout, but keeping these components separate makes their intent clear. Views are components that live at routes, and are generally rendered within a Layout. What this ends up meaning is that, with this structure, nearly everything inside of Components ends up being a dumb component.


