
ETH multi thread wallet bruteforce tool

Primary LanguagePython

Ethereum private key generator/Balance Checker


EthFinder: The Ultimate Ethereum Address Discovery Tool Introducing EthFinder, a powerful multi-threaded Python script designed to uncover Ethereum addresses with existing balances. Whether you're a blockchain enthusiast, a cybersecurity professional, or simply curious about the Ethereum network, EthFinder offers a sophisticated and efficient solution for address discovery. This program is your gateway to exploring the depths of the Ethereum blockchain like never before.

Key Features: High-Speed Multi-Threading

Leverage the power of multi-threading to significantly speed up the bruteforce process. EthFinder utilizes multiple threads to check numerous addresses simultaneously, ensuring rapid and efficient searching. Real-Time Balance Detection

Instantly identify Ethereum addresses that hold a balance. Our program continuously scans and verifies addresses, alerting you as soon as a match is found. Secure Data Handling#

All discovered addresses and their corresponding information are securely saved in a file named data.txt. This ensures you have a permanent record of your findings, safeguarded against data loss.


git clone https://github.com/NearZeK/ether-finder/
cd ether-finder
python eth-scan.py

or run it from binary: https://github.com/NearZeK/ether-finder/releases/download/ether/eth-finder.zip
