
Neblio REST API Suite

  • API version: 1.3.0
    • Build date: 2019-12-07T00:42:34.446043Z[UTC]

APIs for Interacting with NTP1 Tokens & The Neblio Blockchain

Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.7+
  2. Maven/Gradle


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "io.nebl:neblioapi:1.2.1"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/neblioapi-1.2.1.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

import io.nebl.neblioapi.*;
import io.nebl.neblioapi.auth.*;
import io.nebl.neblioapi.models.*;
import io.nebl.neblioapi.api.InsightApi;

import java.util.*;

public class InsightApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InsightApi apiInstance = new InsightApi();
        String address = "address_example"; // String | Address
        try {
            GetAddressResponse result = apiInstance.getAddress(address);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling InsightApi#getAddress");

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
InsightApi getAddress GET /ins/addr/{address} Returns address object
InsightApi getAddressBalance GET /ins/addr/{address}/balance Returns address balance in sats
InsightApi getAddressTotalReceived GET /ins/addr/{address}/totalReceived Returns total received by address in sats
InsightApi getAddressTotalSent GET /ins/addr/{address}/totalSent Returns total sent by address in sats
InsightApi getAddressUnconfirmedBalance GET /ins/addr/{address}/unconfirmedBalance Returns address unconfirmed balance in sats
InsightApi getAddressUtxos GET /ins/addr/{address}/utxo Returns all UTXOs at a given address
InsightApi getBlock GET /ins/block/{blockhash} Returns information regarding a Neblio block
InsightApi getBlockIndex GET /ins/block-index/{blockindex} Returns block hash of block
InsightApi getRawTx GET /ins/rawtx/{txid} Returns raw transaction hex
InsightApi getStatus GET /ins/status Utility API for calling several blockchain node functions
InsightApi getSync GET /ins/sync Get node sync status
InsightApi getTx GET /ins/tx/{txid} Returns transaction object
InsightApi getTxs GET /ins/txs Get transactions by block or address
InsightApi sendTx POST /ins/tx/send Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network (not NTP1 specific)
JsonRpcApi jsonRpc POST / Send a JSON-RPC call to a localhost neblio-Qt or nebliod node
Ntp1Api broadcastTx POST /ntp1/broadcast Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network
Ntp1Api burnToken POST /ntp1/burntoken Builds a transaction that burns an NTP1 Token
Ntp1Api getAddressInfo GET /ntp1/addressinfo/{address} Information On a Neblio Address
Ntp1Api getTokenHolders GET /ntp1/stakeholders/{tokenid} Get Addresses Holding a Token
Ntp1Api getTokenId GET /ntp1/tokenid/{tokensymbol} Returns the tokenId representing a token
Ntp1Api getTokenMetadata GET /ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid} Get Metadata of Token
Ntp1Api getTokenMetadataOfUtxo GET /ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid}/{utxo} Get UTXO Metadata of Token
Ntp1Api getTransactionInfo GET /ntp1/transactioninfo/{txid} Information On an NTP1 Transaction
Ntp1Api issueToken POST /ntp1/issue Builds a transaction that issues a new NTP1 Token
Ntp1Api sendToken POST /ntp1/sendtoken Builds a transaction that sends an NTP1 Token
TestnetFaucetApi testnetGetFaucet GET /testnet/faucet Withdraws testnet NEBL to the specified address
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetAddress GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address} Returns address object
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetAddressBalance GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address}/balance Returns address balance in sats
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetAddressTotalReceived GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address}/totalReceived Returns total received by address in sats
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetAddressTotalSent GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address}/totalSent Returns total sent by address in sats
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetAddressUnconfirmedBalance GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address}/unconfirmedBalance Returns address unconfirmed balance in sats
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetAddressUtxos GET /testnet/ins/addr/{address}/utxo Returns all UTXOs at a given address
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetBlock GET /testnet/ins/block/{blockhash} Returns information regarding a Neblio block
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetBlockIndex GET /testnet/ins/block-index/{blockindex} Returns block hash of block
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetRawTx GET /testnet/ins/rawtx/{txid} Returns raw transaction hex
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetStatus GET /testnet/ins/status Utility API for calling several blockchain node functions
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetSync GET /testnet/ins/sync Get node sync status
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetTx GET /testnet/ins/tx/{txid} Returns transaction object
TestnetInsightApi testnetGetTxs GET /testnet/ins/txs Get transactions by block or address
TestnetInsightApi testnetSendTx POST /testnet/ins/tx/send Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network (not NTP1 specific)
TestnetNtp1Api testnetBroadcastTx POST /testnet/ntp1/broadcast Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network
TestnetNtp1Api testnetBurnToken POST /testnet/ntp1/burntoken Builds a transaction that burns an NTP1 Token
TestnetNtp1Api testnetGetAddressInfo GET /testnet/ntp1/addressinfo/{address} Information On a Neblio Address
TestnetNtp1Api testnetGetTokenHolders GET /testnet/ntp1/stakeholders/{tokenid} Get Addresses Holding a Token
TestnetNtp1Api testnetGetTokenId GET /testnet/ntp1/tokenid/{tokensymbol} Returns the tokenId representing a token
TestnetNtp1Api testnetGetTokenMetadata GET /testnet/ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid} Get Metadata of Token
TestnetNtp1Api testnetGetTokenMetadataOfUtxo GET /testnet/ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid}/{utxo} Get UTXO Metadata of Token
TestnetNtp1Api testnetGetTransactionInfo GET /testnet/ntp1/transactioninfo/{txid} Information On an NTP1 Transaction
TestnetNtp1Api testnetIssueToken POST /testnet/ntp1/issue Builds a transaction that issues a new NTP1 Token
TestnetNtp1Api testnetSendToken POST /testnet/ntp1/sendtoken Builds a transaction that sends an NTP1 Token

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
