JSON logger formatter with support for Google Cloud, DataDog and other for Elixir.
- 1
Basic formatter discarding file, line and mfa
#137 opened by ppeerttu - 6
duration_μs cannot be handled by DataDog
#124 opened by pirvudoru - 5
How to avoid duplicating Formatter Configuration
#122 opened by yordis - 5
Pretty print
#128 opened by anthonator - 2
Need support for LoggerFileBackend
#127 opened by akchaudhary6532 - 8
#119 opened by joecorkerton - 1
- 5
Upgrade to Elixir 1.15 / Release 6.0.0
#104 opened by yordis - 3
Formatter for ElasticSearch
#89 opened by Sgiath - 1
Support pluggable redactors
#6 opened by AndrewDryga - 1
Datadog Formatter Issue
#107 opened by mario-rc64 - 0
- 1
Time, Severity, and Message should be merged after metadata in GoogleCloudLogger
#111 opened by StandardMikeBenza - 3
App not passing FQDNs to datadog.
#97 opened by rparcus - 0
- 3
DatadogLogger passing all JSON data to `message` field and not being parsed correctly
#98 opened by Nezteb - 3
Behaviour and implemenation inconsistent
#95 opened by kevin-papa - 6
Why do we ignore default metadata?
#52 opened by SophisticaSean - 1
timestamp is in wrong timezone
#82 opened by BrendanBall - 3
- 1
- 4
- 9
protocol Jason.Encoder not implemented for tuple
#73 opened by dvic - 1
Issue with GCP latest K8s version
#71 opened by ashish060211 - 3
- 4
Usage of "device" undocumented
#68 opened by Catharz - 3
How do I use this with azure?
#36 opened by mrchypark - 1
- 0
Add fallback when binary encoding is failed
#39 opened by AndrewDryga - 2
- 1
- 2
- 0
- 2
Crash when logging logs from OTP
#40 opened by VitorTrin - 3
"time" be overwritten by metadata "time" when use Elixir 1.10 with GoogleCloudLoggingFormatter
#49 opened by w1mvy - 3
Crash on Jason.encode_to_iodata/2
#24 opened by damboscolo - 2
Use json logging for mix ecto.migrate
#29 opened by hawksight - 8
Broken in elixir 1.10
#31 opened by austinsmorris - 3
Value in adding request_path?
#32 opened by gabrieltaylor - 7
- 0
Compilation issue with Elixir 1.6 on OTP 19
#20 opened by olcai - 0
- 1
Problem with sourcelocation
#23 opened by PauloDanielCarneiro - 1
Cut new release
#22 opened by rupurt - 3
FunctionClauseError in GoogleCloudLogger formatter
#17 opened by alco - 2
Stackdriver logs do not show
#19 opened by mynameisrufus - 7
- 0
Use new metadata from Elixir 1.7 logger
#7 opened by AndrewDryga - 3
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