- 1
Would you be interested in giving this project away to someone who can shepherd it forward or a partner developer ?
#82 opened by midas - 2
Retry opts problem solve this please
#81 opened by matheuscamarques - 0
- 18
RFC: Persist state across Sage executions
#9 opened by AndrewDryga - 2
Noisy exceptions from run_async
#68 opened by sparkertime - 1
- 1
Broken Hexdocs link
#76 opened by Adzz - 1
- 1
- 5
Ecto.transaction/2 in case of async stages
#69 opened by gaynetdinov - 5
- 5
- 2
Docs cannot lead to source
#64 opened by lud - 2
Question about intermediary inputs
#62 opened by lud - 0
- 7
- 5
- 1
- 2
Question around `0.6` upgrade compensations
#55 opened by coladarci - 3
Sage 0.6 transaction called with empty `effects_so_far` after a compensation runs
#52 opened by mtarnovan - 3
Please add CHANGELOG
#51 opened by mtarnovan - 4
New release?
#50 opened by aspett - 1
Clarifications for examples in README
#49 opened by AndrewDryga - 2
Easier way to add pre-defined stages
#46 opened by ssbb - 0
Allow to pass transaction options when Sage is executed within a transaction
#26 opened by AndrewDryga - 0
#1 opened by AndrewDryga - 1
Readme not in sync with code
#39 opened by barttenbrinke - 0
Rename argument to attempt
#48 opened by AndrewDryga - 0
Compilation warnings for Elixir 1.7
#41 opened by mindreframer - 1
Error is thrown when compensation is :noop
#44 opened by kokjinsam - 1
- 1
Composing sagas
#47 opened by ssbb - 0
Integrate telemetry tracing
#22 opened by AndrewDryga - 2
RFC: Idempotency
#2 opened by AndrewDryga - 2
How to handle failed retries?
#35 opened by iacobson - 0
- 0
Create a savepoint for each step and rollback to it when Sage is wrapped in Ecto transaction
#31 opened by AndrewDryga - 3
Allow the use of tuples in transaction names
#29 opened by elijahkim - 7
- 6
- 3
CQRS / Event Sourcing
#21 opened by andyl - 0
Make sure that sagas are type checked
#17 opened by AndrewDryga - 0
Cleanup readme
#15 opened by AndrewDryga - 0
Propogate Logger.metadata to spawned task
#16 opened by AndrewDryga - 1
RFC: Property-inspired test case
#5 opened by AndrewDryga - 4
- 1
RFC: Dependencies for async operations
#6 opened by AndrewDryga - 0
RFC: HTTP lib on top of Sage
#3 opened by AndrewDryga