
This is a program that auto corrupts programs in such a way to yield glitchy results.

Primary LanguageC++


This is a program that auto corrupts programs in such a way to yield glitchy results.

Currently, it runs a random address changer, where it takes a section of ram, picks two random bytes, one is a target which defines the value to be changed, and the value, which is what the target will be changed into when found. This blanket approch causes a lot of courruption of ram, but is relitivly stable. Much more stable then the pecking technuique I used previously.

To build, you will need CMake and, if you are on a non-Windows system, Boost. Build tests have been done with Visual Studio 2015 and GCC 6.1. Clang may work but it is not guaranteed.

Building on Windows

Visual Studio 2015

Access the Developer Command Prompt from the MSVC 2015 folder in the Start menu, navigate this folder and run cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015", or if you prefer 64-bit, cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"

Building on Linux

In your terminal application (Konsole, xterm, etc), navigate to this folder and run cmake