Freeware jump and shoot game created by Poke53280 that is based on the Turrican game series. Blast your way through nine action-packed levels filled with different enemies and powerups.
- 2btBerlin, Germany
- 8aratharjun
- acidstoutZürich, Switzerland
- AlfredApplejuice
- alirezakh74Iran
- anon569
- bluemonkeysuit07
- BluesM18A1Seattle, WA
- carfeshDüsseldorf, Germany
- cketti@thunderbird
- cpresseyOffice... submarine!
- dobkeratops
- egls
- epl808
- gmagnoThe Earth ⛵
- jgmdevJegoYalu
- jpcfarinha
- kevATin
- KienLN394
- Maddimax
- midwanSweden
- nnc-tlb
- olidroideInnoIT
- pab75-
- PlasticCog
- raffienficiaudBerlin, Germany
- razvanabnone
- segafan
- siana
- SpaghettiLord1010SpaghettiLord1010
- SukkoPeraOpenRetroWorks
- suLac4ever
- tobybearreduxFX Productions
- TurBossSpain
- wberger
- yangu-huryBrazil