
Arduino based clock with weather information

Primary LanguageC


MeteoClock is an arduino based clock that displays current date, hours, weather information and forecast for the next 2 days. It requires internet connection to run properly and get all information from webservices. Every half hour it updates the current time from a NTP Server and the current weather as well. At midnight it refresh the whole screen updating all the information it displays. It uses a nodeMCU(ESP8266) and a 2.2" Serial Port TFT SPI LCD Screen Module with ILI9342 driver.

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Implemented Features:

  • display current date
  • display current time
  • display current weather
  • display weather forecast (next 2 days)
  • display correct icons according to weather condition
  • get correct sunrise and sunset hours by gps coordinate
  • change icons between day and night icon sets
  • WiFi connection manager
  • daylight saving time


Install the following libraries:

  • Adafruit_GFX
  • Adafruit_ILI9341
  • ArduinoJson
  • ESP8266WiFi
  • DNSServer
  • ESP8266WebServer
  • WiFiManager
  • TimeLib
  • ArduinoTimerObject

Edit the file "config.h" and enter your values:

  • OPEN_WEATHER_KEY -> OpenWeatherMap
  • LAT -> latitude of your location
  • LNG -> longitude of your location
  • SUNSET_HOURS -> your default hours for sunset
  • SUNRISE_HOURS -> your default hours for sunrise
  • NTP_POOL -> NTP pool to retrieve time
  • TZ -> (utc+) in hours
  • DST_MN -> use 60mn for summer time in some countries