
Mastercard Credit Card Number Validator This JavaScript program allows you to validate Mastercard credit card numbers using a regular expression.


There's no specific installation required for this program. You can simply copy the provided JavaScript code and integrate it into your project.


To use the Mastercard credit card number validator, follow these steps:

Copy the JavaScript function validateMastercardCreditCard() into your project. Call the function validateMastercardCreditCard(cardNumber) and pass the credit card number as a parameter. The function returns true if the provided credit card number is valid according to the Mastercard format, otherwise it returns false. Example:

const cardNumber = "5123456789012345";
if (validateMastercardCreditCard(cardNumber)) {
    console.log("Valid Mastercard credit card number");
} else {
    console.log("Invalid Mastercard credit card number");

Regular Expression Explanation The regular expression used for validation is ^(5[1-5][0-9]{14})$.

^: Asserts the start of the string. 5[1-5]: Matches the starting digit of a Mastercard number, which must be 5 followed by a digit from 1 to 5. [0-9]{14}: Matches 14 digits (0-9) after the starting digit. $: Asserts the end of the string. This regular expression ensures that the credit card number starts with 5 followed by a digit from 1 to 5, and is then followed by 14 digits in total, making it a 16-digit Mastercard credit card number.

Author: Amara Metu