
People tend to come up with - mostly useless - ideas. Instead of letting these ideas occupy my mind, I scribe them in this repository.


People tend to come up with - mostly useless - ideas. Instead of letting these ideas occupy a mind of mine, I scribe them in this repository.


  • mobile
  • multiplayer (both online and offline)
  • rankings, tournaments
  • statistics
  • possibility of playing many games at the same time


  • provides files with a configurable (including random) delay
  • might be useful for testing (e.g. testing responsiveness of user interface)
  • possible usage: delayfs /tmp/files /tmp/delayed_files


  • tasks as directories
  • mark done tasks using a starting dot in the name of a directory (rm would rename in this case)
  • not-directories are regular files which are attachments to the task
  • related idea: filesystem for Wunderlist or similar todo service


  • one-user web application to store URLs
  • title + (URL xor text)
  • use Google Authenticator or similar one-time password system

Reading assistant

  • keep a list of known words (by a user)
  • find new words in a given text and let a user mark them as known or unknown (or use a scale: "I know a definition", "I intuitively understand", "I've seen this word", "It's completely new")
  • generate flashcards with new words for a given text

Tinder for food

  • keep a list of ingredients in a house
  • compare available dishes with a recipes database
  • show possible dishes (sorted by calories or overall "quality" of a dish)

Videos queue manager

Rationale: I follow some YouTube channels; I watch some TV series. I use tools to download them automatically. What I need is an app which could provide separated queues of videos to watch.

  • possibility of sorting by date/length/popularity/custom function
  • grouping multiple sources into one queue (possible queue names: "algorithms", "funny cats", "new music in the feed")
  • find video with video length ≤ X (and search only in the first positions of the queues)
    • rationale: I often have got X minutes of free time and want to watch full video
  • related to previous two points: mark a queue as with important order or not
  • optionally: in case of TV series or movies, provide IMDb link (or event a description/rating in the UI!)

Quick file uploader

  • small tool to upload given file (or screenshot, or clipboard) to a server
  • on success it prints (or copies to clipbaord) direct access URL

Taskwarrior notifications

  • notifies about (almost) overdue tasks
  • generate PDF with tasks for a given day