Scriptable Widgets

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Tankstellen Preise


Configure the widget via widget parameters.

Standard use

On Homescreen, long tap on widget -> edit widget -> Parameter

Add your credentials as follow: API-Key|Radius|fixedLocation (0 or 1)

Example: my-api-key|1|0

Fixed location

If you want a fixed location change the configuration to this: API-Key|Radius|fixedLocation|latitude|longitude

Example: my-api-key|1|1|54.322|10.1355

Specify favorite station brand

If you want to display only a specific station in choosen radius change the configuration to this: API-Key|Radius|fixedLocation|latitude|longitude|brand

Example: my-api-key|1|0|0|0|aral or Example: my-api-key|1|0|0|0|shell

It can be that you need to set a greater radius e.g. 2 or 3 to find a station.

Warning blocks your IP for rest of the day if API is used excessive.

Configuration example:

Günstigste Tankstelle (DE/AT)

  • Shows open gas stations next to your location with the cheapest price of selected oil type first.

German Version


Configure the widget via widget parameters.

On Homescreen, long tap on widget -> edit widget -> Parameter

Add your credentials as follow: API-Key|Radius|fuelType

Example: my-api-key|1|diesel

Supported fuel types are:

  • diesel
  • e5
  • e10

Austria Version


Configure the widget via widget parameters.

On Homescreen, long tap on widget -> edit widget -> Parameter

Add your credentials as follow: fuelType

Example: DIE

Supported fuel types are:

  • DIE
  • SUP
  • GAS

OpenWebIf (beta)

  • Connects to OpenWebIf API of your Enigma2 receiver
  • Displays current and next program of current viewed channel