
The purpose of this challenge was to complete an election analysis of a local congressional election Using Python

Primary LanguagePython

Election Analysis with Python

You can find the Analysis file here: Python_Election Analysis

Overview of Election Audit

The purpose of this challenge was to complete an election analysis of a local congressional election with following tasks:

  • Total number of votes cast
  • A complete list of candidates who received votes
  • Total number of votes each candidate received
  • Percentage of votes each candidate won
  • The winner of the election based on popular vote
  • The voter turnout for each county
  • The percentage of votes from each county out of the total count
  • The county with the highest turnout

The data

The data was the election results in a csv file format with three columns: Ballot ID, County and Candidate Name.

Election Analysis Results

Here, you can see an image of summarized election results based on our analysis:


As you can see, the total number of votes for this local congressional elections was 369,711 votes of which Denver had the highest number of votes (306,055), winning 82.8% of the total votes. Jefferson county with 10.5% (38,855 votes) and Arapahoe county with 6.7% (24,801) of the total votes are in second and third place.

Among candidates, Diana DeGette had receieved highest number of votes, which was 272,892 votes, setting her as the winner candidate with 73.8% of the total votes. Candidates Charles Casper Stockham and Raymon Anthony Doane with 23% (85,213 votes) and 3.1% (11,606 votes) of the overall votes took second and third places.

Election Audit Summary

This script can be modified in a way which can find the highest number of votes within different categories other than candidate names and counties. If we had more data types like demographic description of the voters (like age, gender, income, ...) or their geolocation, we can modify the script to analyze these characteristics as well.

We can also modify this script in a way that it can gives us the percentage of the votes per candidate per county which would help us determine which candidate is most popular in each county.
