
This Neovim plugin allow you to easily add an emoji to your commit coment.

Primary LanguageLua


This Neovim plugin allow you to easily add an emoji to your commit coment.


The way I tested if this plugin works is with Packer.

use { "NeddM/gitemoji" }

You also need to call the setup method on the init.lua. The best way to do it is to create ./lua/gitemoji-config/init.lua.

Inside this init.lua you have to add this line:


And then, call this file in the main init.lua:



You can also skip the push adding the argument --no-push. Like this :Gitemoji --no-push. By default, it will push the commit.


This will add all files and also push the commit.


This will not push the commit.

:Gitemoji --no-push