
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Getting started

Running in development mode:

  • Navigate to the root of the project.
  • Run npm install.
  • Run gulp.

In this mode, nodemon runs the server while browsersync runs the browser. Changes to client-side files including stylesheets triggers both a rebuild and a refresh of the browser. Changes to server side files triggers a nodemon refresh.

Building for production:

  • gulp production or run gulp while NODE_ENV is set to production.
  • npm start to launch the server.

Production builds include minified app and vendor JavaScript along with minified CSS. Reference names to these dependencies change automatically in index.html.


  • run gulp test

Architecture overview

See the Dino project wiki for more detailed information.

  • React SPA
  • Material UI
  • Sass stylesheets
  • Flux state manager
  • Postgres database
  • Express server

Current feature set

Opportunities for extension