
clojure object oriented programming system

Primary LanguageClojure


Oops, it has been created. :)
OOP-System for functional language. Raw raw. Fight da power!

Q: Is it mutable?
A: No. If you want field to be mutable, make that field ref or atom.

Q: Is it thread-safe?
A: I think no, but it wasn't tested.

Q: Is it memory-safe?
A: Nope. Every object's metadata stored in IdentityHashMap, which holds strong reference to the object and it's metadata. So objects aren't gc'd.

Q: Why would I even use it if it is that bad?
A: It looks cool. You can make objects from basic types and use them as basic types, but with methods and fields. Or play with polymorphism and inheritance.


(ns test.clj-oops.multi-test
 (:use clj-oops.multi)
 (:use clj-oops.object)
 (:use clj-oops.meta))

(def n1 (obj-new :num 3 {:x "qwe"}))
(def n2 (obj-new :num2 n1 {:x "asd"}))
(def n3 (obj-new :num3 10 {:y "zxc"}))

(obj? n3)
;; => true
(obj? 10)
;; => false

(let [hello
 (add-fn hello :default
  (fn [arg]
   "umm.. hi?"))
 (add-fn hello java.lang.Long
  (fn [arg]
    "hello from number " arg)))
 (add-fn hello {:custom-class :num}
  (fn [arg]
    "hello from obj " arg " "
    "with field x = " (-> arg obj-fields :x))))
 (def hello hello))
;; => #'test.clj-oops.multi-test/hello

(hello 2)
;; => "hello from number 2"
(hello n1)
;; => "hello from obj 3 with field x = qwe"
(hello n2)
;; => "hello from obj 3 with field x = asd"
(hello n3)
;; => "hello from number 10"
(hello :asd)
;; => "umm.. hi?"

(default-dispatch-fn 2)
;; => (java.lang.Long
;;     :default)
(default-dispatch-fn n2)
;; => ({:custom-class :num2}
;;     {:custom-class :num}
;;     :custom-class
;;     java.lang.Long
;;     :default)

(+ n1 (/ n2 n3) 3)
;; => 63/10


Copyright © 2014 NeedMoreDesu desu@horishniy.org.ua

This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See COPYING for more details.