
This Blog Post Website is created to implement the concepts and test my skill and knowledge of the Backend Technologies and Framework.

Primary LanguageEJS

Blog Post Web Application

In this application, I haved used Data Association Concept, Authentication and Authorization concept and how backend CRUD operation logic is being made.

This Application is created to practice the skills and concepts which, I have learned in my learning phase of Backend Technologies and Frameworks.

About this application

Steps the developer should follow

Step-1: Want to clone this repository.

Step-2: npm install to install all dependencies used in this application

Step-3: npm start to start backend (Also start your mongoDB compass)

Step-4: Click here to open home page of this application

Step-5: Create a account

Note: This application use Json Web Token and store in your cookies so make sure you enable cookies.
This application uses middleware to implement the protected route functionality.

Routes in Application

/register to create your account

/login login into your account

/logout logout will clear cookie or jwt from your device and if you try to access any of the given route will redirect to login page.

/post post your blog

/profile/upload to change the profile picture

Languages and Tools: