
This api is created for user management where you can create user, login with the credentials, update password, and delete user

Primary LanguageJavaScript

User Management API

You can simply run this file and view the output in Postman because this is conneted with the Azure PostgresSQL Server.

Step to follow:

Step 1: Clone this Repository

Step 2: npm install

Step 3: On your Code Editor Terminal run this command nodemon index.js

Step 4: Now Open Browser or Postman and type localhost:8989/users to get all user

API's in this application

/users to get all user

/create/user to create user

/update/:email to upate users password

localhost:8989/delete/user to delete user

Note: -> ":email" replace this by your email you have created

-> Password are stored in enycrypted form so please store your email and password after creating user.