
a python module (created by me 😉) to implement bst,bbst,avl and more in Python3+

Primary LanguagePython

Pybush 🌲

PyPI version version python vesrion

a python module (created by me 😉) to implement bst, bbst, avl trees and more in Python3+


binarytree is a great module to implement trees in python. Since python doesn't support pointers; implementing binary tree functions was a bit tricky, but no more 😁. pybush brings this functionality using binarytree module. Now you can do everything - create a tree, print the tree, implement avl, do rotations and other functions.

Binarytree has a pretty print functionality, which prints the tree in a way that we normally visualise while learning it.

Example: a level order bst [7,3,11,1,5,9,13,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14] will look like this

           /              \
        __3__           ___11___
       /     \         /        \
      1       5       9         _13
     / \     / \     / \       /   \
    0   2   4   6   8   10    12    14

binarytrees have a lot of functionalities, and pybush helps extend it...

Getting started

$ pip3 install binarytree
$ pip3 install pybush

pybush have the following Class to implement a Node:

class Node(Node):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.right = None
        self.left = None
        self.parent = None
        self.h = self.height
        self.count = 1

Funtions for BBST (Balance binary search tree)

  • Create a bbst:
>>> values = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
>>> tree_root = create_bbst(values,0,len(values)-1)
>>> print(tree_root)

   /     \
  2       6
 / \     / \
1   3   5   7
  • Add a Node:
>>> add(tree_root,6.5)
>>> print(tree_root)

   /     \
  2       6
 / \     / \
1   3   5   7
           / \
        6.5   8
  • Delete a Node:
>>> delete(tree_root,7)
>>> print(tree_root)

   /     \
  2       6_
 / \     /  \
1   3   5   6.5
  • Search for a Node:
>>> search(tree_root,3)
  • Predecessor and Successor:
>>> successor(tree_root,4)
>>> predecessor(tree_root,6)
  • Least common ancestor:
>>> lca(tree_root,5,8)
>>> print(tree_root)

   /     \
  2       6_
 / \     /  \
1   3   5   6.5
  • Rangecount and Rangelist:
>>> rangecount(tree_root,1,5)
>>> list = []
>>> rangelist(tree_root,1,5,list)
>>> list
[Node(5), Node(4), Node(3), Node(2), Node(1)]