XMeme App

XMeme is a full stack application used for uploading and sharing memes with fellow xmemers, it provides various exciting features for memers to use.

Following is the Technology Stack which is used to build this version of XMeme app

  • Node.Js, Express.Js for backend, Details here

  • React.JS, Gatsby for frontend, Details here

  • MongoDB as Database

Application Architecture



If you want to do the installation, follow these steps:

Clone the repo using ssh:

git clone git@gitlab.crio.do:COHORT_ME_BUILDOUT_XMEME_ENROLL_1612436694845/neelparihar599-me_buildout_xmeme.git


  • install.sh (For installing all the required dependencies)

  • server_run.sh (For starting the backend server to listen for incoming requests)

  • sleep.sh (It is a utility script useful while installing and starting the server)

  • test_server.sh (Used to run all the scripts and test the features of the backend server)

Project Structure

 |--xmeme_backend\         # Contains Backend project 
 |--xmeme_frontend\        # Contains Frontend project
 |--Dockerfile\            # File to build Docker image