
A basic Reminder Bot for Discord on discord.py and firebase

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A basic Reminder Bot for Discord on discord.py and firebase

Vitual Environment Setup

  • cd /path/to/project : change directory to project directory
  • python -m venv . : make a vitual environment inside project directory
  • enter virtual environment
    • for linux: source bin/activate
    • for windows: Scripts\activate

Package Installation

  • python -m pip intall -r requirements.txt : this will install all necessary packages

Adding Environment Variables

  • Firebase
    • enable firestore in firebase
    • generate service account credentials in firebase and the required json as shown in serviceKey.template.json
  • Discord
    • add a bot in discord developer portal and check/enable administrator permission and intent permissions for bot
    • generate a Bot Token and copy it in .env file as shown .env.template


  • python bot.py : enjoy!