Challenge One

This is the first challenge for this week.

Challenge Name: ScrapIt

Final Submission Deadline: Dec 4, 2022

Prize: Rs 1000 - Esewa Topup


You're supposed to build a web-scraper tool which performs the following operations.

  1. Find all the blog articles and thumbnails from the following website.
  2. Store all the thumbnails and articles in the database.

  3. Make a CLI application which automates all this things. I should be able to run the following command and get all the thumbnails and titles in some folders.

    ./get-sentry-blogs folderName
  4. Bonus Points

    • Frontend Application
    • CRON Jobs
    • Automations and code quality.


  • To submit your solution, you should fork this repository.
  • Create a folder with your github username
  • Put your solution inside it.
  • Create a Pull Request.

Judgement Criteria

  1. Code Quality
  2. Proper Use of Git
  3. Performance and Efficiency