

Primary LanguageCSS


Learning Django


  1. Abishek Kafle
  2. Aashish Bhandari
  3. Neeraj Lamsal

Steps to contribute in this project as follows

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone the repository. (git clone url)
  3. Create new branch. (git branch branchname)
  4. Move to new branch. (git checkout branchname)
  5. Change or update code.
  6. Push the code. (git push origin branchname)

To run this project on your PC:

  1. Make sure that you have python installed. If not, install from https://python.org
  2. Clone or download the project repo and create a virtual environment (python -m venv 'environment_name')
  3. Activate your environment(windows: " 'environment_name'/Scripts/activate")(mac/linux: "source 'environment_name'/bin/activate")
  4. Install django and other requirements(" pip install -r requirements.txt ")
  5. Migrate(python manage.py migrate), makemigrations and migrate again.
  6. Createsuperuser (python manage.py createsuperuser)
  7. Runserver (python manage.py runserver) [Open your browser and visit]